59. The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat Day 7

The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat™ by Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman is a free 7-day virtual retreat for married women in business. Subscribe to the Connected For Real Podcast to continue listening to the recordings of the retreat and other podcasts. CLICK HERE to join The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat™ live on zoom. 8 PM Israel time, 1 PM NY […]

58. The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat Day 6

The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat™ by Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman is a free 7-day virtual retreat for married women in business. Subscribe to the Connected For Real Podcast to continue listening to the recordings of the retreat and other podcasts. CLICK HERE to join The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat™ live on zoom. 8 PM Israel time, 1 PM NY […]

57. The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat Day 5

The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat™ by Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman is a free 7-day virtual retreat for married women in business. Subscribe to the Connected For Real Podcast to continue listening to the recordings of the retreat and other podcasts. CLICK HERE to join The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat™ live on zoom. 8 PM Israel time, 1 PM NY […]

56. The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat Day 4

The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat™ by Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman is a free 7-day virtual retreat for married women in business. Subscribe to the Connected For Real Podcast to continue listening to the recordings of the retreat and other podcasts. CLICK HERE to join The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat™ live on zoom. 8 PM Israel time, 1 PM NY […]

55. The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat Day 3

The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat™ by Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman is a free 7-day virtual retreat for married women in business. Subscribe to the Connected For Real Podcast to continue listening to the recordings of the retreat and other podcasts. CLICK HERE to join The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat™ live on zoom. 8 PM Israel time, 1 PM NY […]

54. The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat Day 2

The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat™ by Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman is a free 7-day virtual retreat for married women in business. Subscribe to the Connected For Real Podcast to continue listening to the recordings of the retreat and other podcasts. CLICK HERE to join The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat™ live on zoom. 8 PM Israel time, 1 PM NY […]

53. The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat Day 1

The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat™ by Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman is a free 7-day virtual retreat for married women in business. Subscribe to the Connected For Real Podcast to continue listening to the recordings of the retreat and other podcasts. CLICK HERE to join The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat™ live on zoom. 8 PM Israel time, 1 PM […]

51. Self-Wholeness For Marriage Bliss

Miriam Gitlin is certified life coach and therapist and the creator of The Shalva Shift™, the only Jewish coaching program designed to help frum women struggling with challenging situations to achieve serenity and fulfillment in their marriages, lives and relationships, even if they feel like they’ve tried everything but keep getting stuck in overwhelm, guilt, […]

50. The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat is Coming!

Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman is excited to announce the 8th Marriage Breakthrough Retreat™ coming February 13-16 and 19-21, 2023 6pm UK, 8pm Israel, 1pm NY Make sure you sign up at connectedforreal.com/retreat to create a real breakthrough in your marriage! – Enhance emotional & physical Intimacy – Flip “communication skills” on it’s head & find what […]