156. Setting Goals for Your Ideal Home

Facebook Instagram Youtube 156. Setting Goals for Your Ideal Home Sandy Brudner is an Interior Designer. She started her own design studio, Sandy B Interiors, a referral based Interior Design Studio in Jerusalem. Sandy designs, plans, manages and styles spaces transforming them into beautiful and functional homes. Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman is a marriage coach for […]

5. Vision Boards and Marriage with Debbi Sluys

Connected for Real Episode 5 is called Vision Boards and Marriage. Rebbetzin Bat-Chen has Debbi Sluys as her guest. Subscribe to the podcast on Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Apple Podcasts. The full transcript is on connectedforreal.com.

A vision board is not just a visual representation of your goals and manifesting what you want, but can be a tool for you to share your gifts with others, and for communication between husband and wife. Declare your dreams with intention through a vision board with these tips from personal development and empowerment coach, Debbi Sluys.