165. Tips For a Successful Marriage

Facebook Instagram Youtube 165. Tips For a Successful Marriage Rivka Malka Perlman is a transformation life coach, coaching and training women to become coaches. She is also a marriage and intimacy coach. Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman is a marriage coach for women in business. Together they will talk about love and marriage. Links:  Get my free […]

106. Sneak Peek: Rivka Malka Pearlman

Facebook Instagram Youtube 106. Sneak Peek: Rivka Malka Pearlman Rivka Malka Pearlman is a transformation coach who guides women on a spiritual, emotional journey to their most powerful selves. Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman is a marriage coach for women in business. In this episode you will hear all about Rivka Malka’s new program beginning NEXT WEEK, […]

31. Heal Your Marriage with Rivka Malka Perlman

Episode 31 of the Connected for Real Podcast is called "Heal Your Marriage" with guest, Rivka Malka Perlman. The podcast is hosted by Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman. You can listen to this episode on Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Apple Podcasts. The full transcript is available at connectedforreal.com

Rivka Malka shares stories and paradigms on healing yourself. Rebbetzin Bat-Chen ties this together by focusing on the wife as the core of marriage, and that it is through knowing what you want that your marriage can breakthrough to a new level. When we think that we cannot do something, it’s important to remember that G-d sends His guidance and gives you the responsibility to give to His world in whatever way you can.