The "Feel Free" Program

Feel Free To Be Happily Married!

Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman

You walk by the mirror and see a stain on your shirt. 
You immediately start cleaning the mirror… Uhhh – no! wait… You don’t!

So why do we do it in our marriage? 

Why are we always trying to fix everyone else expecting it to work?

We spend so much time and energy trying to fix our husbands only to feel frustrated and hopeless when it doesn’t work. 

Spoiler! We do it because it’s safe. It keeps us from having to change. 

The truth is, I spent years trying to educate my husband. I tried teaching him how he was supposed to act… react… feel… think. I told him what he should do, and what’s expected of him…

All my advice just turned into constant fighting and resentment! 
He felt I was trying to fix him, I was just trying to help! 

It took me a while, but I finally realized I was wasting my time and everything changed!

Stop wasting your time! 

You want the best for your husband, but when you try to help it doesn’t work. When you empower your husband all you end up getting is resistance from him!

Are you exhausted bouncing from thing to thing just to get nowhere and feel hopeless? And worse, You are left with no energy to do the things you wish you did to get to your dreams. 

You can bring calm and healing
to your marriage! 

You can get the support you want, and feel deeply connected.
You can be happy again!

The Feel Free Group Program is an 8 week interactive course lead by Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman that includes: 

  • An intimate group of women
  • Weekly 1-hour group meetings
  • A personal 1-on-1 90-minute intensive session ($147 value)
  • Weekly Facebook live Q&A 

By the end of the 8 week program
you will have: 

A clear roadmap to become more true to yourself

A toolbox of practical advice that (actually) works for you

The ability to communicate your needs and  receive the help you want

Permission to take care of yourself, play, and have fun

Essential pillars for a healthy marriage 

The freedom to rest and dream big

A home filled with calmness and a happy heart

You may be wondering –
Why a Group Program?

That’s a great question! 

✓ Unlike a course, a group program is LIVE. You can ask questions, go deeper into it, and get more exact about how the information applies to you specifically.

✓ Group programs have interaction between the students and allow the magic that happens between the close-knit group of people to happen.  You also end up with a support system, and meaningful friendships.

✓ A group program is a more affordable way to work with me. As a bonus, you get one 1:1 session with me that’s included in the price. 

✓ The group is small and intimate, up to 6 women. It’s completely confidential and safe. 

Will I get personalized attention in a group program?


✓ Before you begin, You will get a 1:1 private session (90 minutes – just you and me). This will ensure we know each-other and are ready to go ahead with the transformation in a group setting. 

✓ There are no pre-recorded modules, everything is live and in real time. 

✓ During the group sessions, there will be time for interaction, questions, comments and discussions. All this while keeping track of the topic and the time. 

✓ At any point, you can always e-mail me your questions privately and I will address them at the weekly Q&A anonymously

This is a tailor made process. No blanket statements and “This works for everyone” approach! You will get specific, unique and tailor made advice that will propel you forward in your unique process. 

A good relationship with your husband is closer than you think.
Best of all, you get to free yourself in the process.

Your instructor:
Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman

I help ambitious women find peace in their marriage by helping them become more true to themselves.

Hey!  I’m Rebbetzin Bat-Chen — You might know me as “Connected For Real” from my website or YouTube videos. 

I’m married to Rabbi Avi Grossman. We live in Israel and have 6 wonderful kids. For years, I knew my husband had so much potential and I felt it was my job to help him unleash it. I was wrong! The more I did to help, the worse our relationship got, and the more frustrated we were. 

My marriage turned around and flourished the more I let go. I learned to turned inwards and connect deeper with Hashem. After my sixth birth, I felt the calling to lean into my own story and start helping other women who want to feel at peace in their marriage. My following grew in a way only Hashem knows how to do. The 1:1 clients I work with see amazing results and now I am offering a group program! 

"Totally unsolicited plug, but her approach really works. And yes, in one session she helped me cut through some complex family issues and change course."
Leah Aharoni

The price for the Feel-Free group program is $750.

Throughout the 8 weeks of interactive learning led by Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman you get to transform your marriage with:

  • Weekly 1-hour group meetings
  • Weekly Facebook live Q&A 
  • An intimate group of women (Maximum of 6 women)


  • One personal 1-on-1 90-minute intensive session ($147 value)

Sign up for a discovery call