Mindy Wiesner is a Life Coach, Mental Health Counselor & the Founder of Living in Unity. Mindy has been coaching & mentoring clients using IFS & Brainspotting as well as training kallah teachers worldwide for over 20 years. More recently she has structured her course so it is available to all women wishing to enhance their relationships between themselves, G-d and their Husbands. Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman is a marriage coach for women in business. Together they will talk about the “Triple Y Method” which is a road map that works with your body and gets you to where you want to go.
Welcome to the Connected For Real podcast. I’m Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman, a marriage coach for women in business. And my mission is to bring God’s presence into your life, into your marriage and into your business. Let’s get started.
And we are live, welcome everyone to the connected for real podcast. I’m Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman. I’m a marriage coach for women in business and successful careers. And today I have with me Mindy and she’s going to introduce herself and tell everyone what you’re all about. And just get into it.
Mindy, introduce yourself. Hey, thank you. Hi, Mindy Wiesner, living in Melbourne, Australia. It is summertime now, boiling hot today. Sending you all my sunshine and warmth that I’ve received today. Plenty to share. Who am I and how did I get to be here? I always had a passion that I wanted to teach brides who were getting married.
There are certain laws, regulations in the Jewish world, and I really wanted to get into the field. I was young when I started. But this was something I was very excited about. And as I was educating them and doing it more in the traditional Jewish way, which is just basic laws and stories and ideas, I felt like I really wanted something that was going to help me understand what the young girls are saying.
Struggling with today. So I trained to become a clinical mental health counselor and branch into a few other modalities. But what I realized is that I was one teacher of the bride sitting here in Melbourne, Australia. I wanted to branch out and teach and train in other teachers of brides around the world.
And so that’s what I did. And it was going well. And then people were saying, Mindy, I want this for women, just regular women. Why are you only teaching the teacher of the brides? I want a course that’s for me. So then I restructured it and I wasn’t sure how to go about business. And I don’t know anything about business.
I know a lot about brides and what they’re going through and women in the marriage, et cetera. But I, I don’t know how this happened, Robertson. We keep on laughing about it. I don’t know how I met you. what the avenue was, but I just decided to give you a shot. And at that time, financially, things were really tough.
And I said to you, you know, I feel bad that we’re meeting cause I just don’t know how I’m going to swing this. And that’s when you told me about this amazing offer of 50 a week. And I was like, you know what? I loved your energy, even though it’s so different to mine. And I have learned so much for you.
Don’t, you know, I would often go into overwhelm and I wouldn’t know how to do the next step and you would stop me and say, we don’t do overwhelm. We just don’t do it. We do everything in a fun way. We do everything in a loving way. And I have gained so much. One of the things that, Biggest things that I felt I gained from you.
I was waiting here in Melbourne, Australia for people to come and choose me. Like, how would they know about me? I don’t know, but they should come and choose me. And you said no, that doesn’t work. You’ve got to step up, Minty, and say hi, I exist. And I’m so grateful because that helped me in so many areas of my life, even in my own marriage, where it’s like, to my husband, Hi, I exist.
You are not the first person who told me that we did not, you know, you guys listeners should know that we did not work on marriage at all with Mindy because your specialty is marriage. And the last thing you needed from me was marriage advice. So we really focused on business and for some reason, it’s over spills into all the different parts of your life with your kids, with your marriage, with everything that’s going on.
It’s so fun to watch. Yeah, it’s incredible. It’s incredible. Yeah. So I really felt that that shifted for me hugely amongst many other things and the way you organized the things that I felt were overwhelming for me. And you gave me a plan every single time that we met, I walked out with a plan of knowing exactly what to do and how to get there.
And I feel like you really sort of made me focus on What is it that I have to give to the world? Cause I have like this and that, I’ve done internal family systems, brain spotting, et cetera, et cetera. And you’re like Mindy get clear about what it is that you want to bring to the world. And I had to really channel everything down into one method.
And what’s incredible is, again, one of the things I appreciated from you is your ability to connect to your godly essence within you and to God. And to just get messages and be able to spread them further with clarity without excusing yourself or apologizing for yourself. Cause so many people feel like they have to apologize that they know there’s a God, right?
And it’s just, this is what it is. And this is what happens. And this is my reality. This is my real, this is the reality. And that’s inspired me. And we were meeting once and you’re going. And of course, I’m always quoting other speakers and authors cause I’ve got this all in my head and you say, stop Mindy, just stop, scrap all that you need something.
That’s yours. That’s authentic. And I’m looking at you like I should create a method. Me, I can quote a million methods, but not quite, but I should create a method. And suddenly in that silence, It dropped into my head, like literally, and I was like, this is a Bat-Chen moment, because this doesn’t usually happen to me.
And that’s where the triple Y method was, was born, in our, in our time together. And I just looked at you, speechless, and just went through it, and it just all made sense. We expanded, it was like all my years of learning, and everything that came, whoo, through the funnel. Of that godly connection, so thank you.
I remember at first I had to like pull teeth and you were like, no, no, no, no, I know this lady says this and these are the steps that over here and you know, and I was like, okay, shh, let it come to you. Really? It’s there. I cannot make my own thing. Like what? And. It’s so beautiful. Okay. Let’s get into the triple Y method because I think it’s so cool that you were able to get that silence enough that the download came in and you were able to really work with it and make it something really, really powerful.
So what, what is the triple Y method and how does it work? Okay. So pretty much it’s about getting to know yourself. So, you know, when we were discussing this, it’s A roadmap so that you see where you are. Yeah. Where am I? It’s like you’re in a busy shopping center and you want to know, Oh, there’s three levels over here and millions of stores, where do I find myself?
And you see that red dot and you go, Oh, I am here. Once you know where you are, you can figure out where to go from there. But if you don’t know where you are, so it’s a roadmap where you first figure out where you are. So that’s the face yourself. And we called it the triple Y because it’s face yourself, Y, know yourself, and then act yourself.
So you get this roadmap, you figure out where you are, you figure out where do I want to go, and then finally, so that’s the know yourself, and then the act yourself. You figure out how to get there and it’s in line with your body because I found that so many things that we’re required to do today are against the way our body works.
We’re so programmed maybe to not listen to our body, to work past our limitations, but not in a positive way. Without listening, so you’re not feeling well, you’re feeling down so just pop in some pills or just keep on going, just keep on going, we’re not programmed to listen to our body. Our body is a gift from God and it teaches us so much about the world, the messages that are coming in, the messages that need to go out.
So if we ignore our body and we’re working against our body, we’ve lost our greatest tool to guide us in the world. That’s so beautiful. Okay, so repeat it. It’s what was the first one? Find Yourself? Face yourself. That’s another word. Face yourself. That is a good one. Face yourself, know yourself, act yourself.
And I love that the Y, the triple Y, is actually about yourself. Like it keeps bringing us back to yourself. And this is something I speak about a lot when we’re talking about marriage, right? Our first reaction is blame. You know, it’s the other guy, it’s not me, it’s his fault, and yeah, well that’s historical, you know, all the way from the tree.
Of course, it’s, you know, it’s historical, it’s genetic we’re programmed. Now we can blame it, now we can blame it on our past, not my fault. Exactly right and The answer is always within yourself because it’s the only thing we can control is ourselves. So the fact that we are Not just once looking in to ourselves, but really three times, right?
We’re pausing and facing where we are and just noticing where we’re going. Where do I want to go? What’s important to me and then taking a line to action? Which I really love because when you talk about working against your body most women are doing that when they start working with me, the first thing is, you know, I’m doing this thing and it’s so hard and I can, and then I’m overwhelmed.
It’s like the overwhelming about me, just one of your many clients, everybody listening, you’re like,
doing the business was working against my body until I met you. And then I say, let it be easy. And I was like, what? No, that’s not supposed to be easy. It’s supposed to be hard. You know, recently. One of my friends said that and she told this to my mother not to me that until she met me She thought life was supposed to be hard.
Her mother was always struggling Everything was always heavy. There was this like Weight on her shoulders and she was doing life the way she was shown. And one day she met me and apparently I do this not just in business, but in everything. Right. And she’s like, she taught me that I could be happy that I could let things just be easy.
And it’s so fun to hear this from the outsiders, because. To me, this, is pretty natural. Yes. I’ve worked on perfecting it, like really tweaking it because I remember in the beginning, my happiness was superficial. Like it was a way for me to escape. And I wasn’t facing a lot of things because I thought it’s so much easier to just be happy.
And so I had to go through my own journey of really deepening. That personality and going deeper with the positivity and making it more integrated, more authentic. And yet it’s just so beautiful how, how, when we realize that it’s possible, sometimes that’s the only thing we need, you know, you don’t even have to know how to get there.
But if you allow yourself to believe that there is a different way to do things, your brain will take you there. Yeah. Yeah. Our brains are brilliant. You know, this is something that I learned in brain spotting is just, you know, four quadrillion synapses that are just firing away all the time. And if we just stop and get in touch with that, you know, that guidance that you talk about all the time with God, giving you the downloads, which I experienced , it’s like boom, it just goes, but, as you say, we really have to know that it can be done differently and it doesn’t have to be done in this repetitious, difficult way.
Yeah, so let’s go back to your Y method, triple Y. Why is it so important to have all three? Okay, so the first part, until you can actually stop, like you were giving that example of you had to deepen, your joy. You know, the joy was there, but it was about really getting to face yourself. Where are we starting if we don’t face ourselves?
So much of what we do in life is that we’re running away from ourselves. Myself included, you know, we just don’t want to deal with things. And the typical examples are you’re eating a piece of cake and you’re going, this is not even good. Oh, why am I eating this? Because it’s a way of distracting myself.
You know, in that silly game that we’ve discussed, the snake game. You know, it’s just going on and on in roundless, mindless motions because we don’t want to face ourselves. Because maybe we think that it’s too scary, or we’re not going to like what we see about ourselves. And there’s also so many messages that are in our brains, in our bodies that we’ve received from the world, you know, if you didn’t do well in school.
That was one of the things I struggled with, if you weren’t appreciated at home. So then there’s so many messages that we are getting from the outside world that it’s like, if I would face myself, gosh, I’d see a monster. And that’s not true. You and I know that we all have a soul that is divine, that is, pure, that is precious.
And if we can just have the courage and sometimes we need the other to be there with us and to be a presence with us as we face ourselves, then what we’ll see is, a person that we’d love to get to know, but there’s often there’s borders and things that we’ve made up about ourselves and that we don’t know about ourselves.
But if you don’t know yourself, then you can’t even start. The project, if you can’t face yourself, you can’t stop and face yourself, sorry you can’t even start the project, right? So this is so beautiful. I’m just like dropping into this thinking, this is what I do with the meditation, you know, a lot of times because of all the armor that we’ve put up, we don’t stop just even pause.
We don’t give ourselves permission to be. Because it’s too scary, too painful, too overwhelming. There’s too much resistance. And if I were to tell you, okay, stop, you know, let’s talk, blah, blah, blah, it would still be there. But when we do a meditation, we take some deep breaths, and I guide you through, you know, a nice little walk in the park, or whatever.
It’s like, oh, I happen to see something and then I happen to get this message and then I happen to, you know, whatever. And suddenly you’re like, oh, when you come out, you realize, isn’t that cool? I just got answers that I wouldn’t have been able to access from a conscious point of view. And I think that’s a really important piece that you’re saying.
So you know, cause I’m giving over my method, but not exactly how I do it. So let me just add in that piece, I’ve got the brain spotting music that was given when I was doing the course. And I also encourage people to take a look at a specific place that intuitively will open up for them, because it is about dropping in.
And you know, when you talk about taking a walk in the one of the things that I’ve heard from Bessel van der Kolk, who’s an expert in trauma. He says that imagination is such a powerful tool in healing and we don’t use it enough. But when we get the meditations from you, as I can say from my own experience, you know, that can represent.
What did I take most out when I had those minutes to listen, it was your meditations that I was drawn to as opposed to, Oh, let me learn how to do sales. That’s like you know, even though they were brilliant and I finally got that I had to listen to them because, but I was drawn to your meditations because with the power of imagination.
I could go out of my spot of where it’s like, how am I going to do this? What am I going to say? And how can I say to really let go and drop in that? So I guess the most important part of the triple Y method is that music that allows people to really relax and to just listen to a soft voice to guide them through.
And I always find this so interesting as I was growing up, I always had like the voice that would go pitch on to everybody else. And the singing was was like a grating on my own knees, forget about everybody else’s ears. And then I grew up and then I used to, then I will do meditations for people and they’ll say, Mindy, your voice is just so beautiful.
And I’m like me. I was one who drove everybody crazy with her voice. Glad I don’t have to sing as I teach. But it’s, I think it’s the music and the, and the spotting and the really allowing that then opens up to hearing somebody else’s voice guiding you through and helping you face yourself, which under normal circumstances is, can be very scary.
Until you learn to love yourself. Oh, I love it because you know, January is all about love. So we have love and God, love and business, love and marriage, love and you. And we have some absolutely amazing guests and the podcasts have already been recorded. So I know really amazing things. I know I, you know, I love doing things my way.
Like you say, act yourself. I used to try and be, like everyone else is telling you to be consistent, do every week, and blah, blah, blah. I can’t record every week. There are weeks that I’m not in the mood. Like, what do I do? And also, you know, I used to think about myself that I was lazy and I couldn’t do things that required too much consistency because I’m just not consistent and I’m lazy.
And it turns out, I’m not lazy. What do you know? And this was very scary for me to face. But I really like matching because when I’m in the mood for podcasts, I’m like, yeah, let’s do it. And then when I’m not in the mood, I don’t have to do it because it’s already done, you know? So it’s been a real game changer for me.
And it’s one of the things that I, I think are a really good example of acting yourself, like really stop trying to be like everyone else. You know, it’s interesting because if you would ask me again, you know, one of the things, many things I learned, it was that when you taught me about the pause and you did it a few times in whatever you put out in the world where you to go stop, I need to recalibrate.
And then suddenly you’d come up with something in that pause. It like stopped the flow of something that wasn’t quite aligned and then boom, there’d be something that was so aligned that came out of your mouth. And I’m learning to do that, to, to stop mid talk and say, stop and get back in.
But that was, I think, what one of the things, again, to have the courage. To act myself because this was all new to me and it’s business and there’s a way to do things There’s a way to write emails and a way to send out emails and nurturing and la la la la But you also gave me permission to act myself And if something didn’t feel aligned and didn’t feel right to say Not right now.
Maybe I’ll do it differently later, but I had all the permission to do as I wanted to do and that’s what I’m appreciative for. Yeah. Yeah. You know, one of the things I remember is you came in, you were like, I’m not doing social media. Don’t make me do social media, you know? And I was like, why would you think I’m going to make you do something that’s against your, your highest good?
Like if this isn’t your thing. I’m not going to make you and you’re like, but every other business person is telling me to get on social media. And I think that is one of the craziest things, right? It’s like, how did people sell before there was social media? Like what people didn’t have.
So we have to pause and think it’s not really true that there’s only one way to do anything. You know, and whenever we fall into that belief, then we lose and they lose. Everybody loses because if you end up somewhere where you don’t really belong, you’re going to feel not really in alignment with it.
You’re not going to do it in a way that makes you come alive. And then they’re, they’re going to get lost because I didn’t go. They lost the client. Oh, yeah, when I, yeah, as soon as you say, why would, what’s the big deal? There’s other ways to do it. Oh, you gained a client, but I didn’t do it as a trick.
Like, okay, come join me. Cause I don’t force you. It was just like, A very honest question of like, why would you have to, you know? And that’s what I felt also about working together with you. You could really listen to me. So I had the space to talk. And to just, yeah, act myself.
I’m loving this conversation. It’s so fun. As always. As always. What did I write? I don’t know if you got to see, you asked why do I want to be on your podcast? I said to share my triple whammy method. And because I love spending time with you, hey? You know, you’re not the first person who says they work with me so that they can be in my life.
What? It looks like we’re all that desperate, eh? Well the truth is that my two best friends barely get time with me because you know, when am I around my friends when we have kids around, when there’s, you know, things to do when we’re not really at the place where we could sit down and have fun.
Like adult conversations are deep and like this, like this. Right. So it really makes sense that you guys, everybody who gets to be in my VIP clients really gets the most out of me. And I love that. And, you know, it was interesting. You said this was the first time you got an email from my assistant to be on the podcast.
You’re like, I feel so, what was it that you said? I spoiled. Oh, I feel so spoiled that I never had to interact with your assistant. I just always went directly to you. Like, yeah, that’s the whole point of VIP, right? You have direct access to me. And I think that’s, that’s something that I did on purpose because that’s acting myself.
You know, the thing that’s the most close to my heart and the most important to me is going to stay on my plate for as long as possible. And hopefully it won’t have to be taken off, but I, I delegate things that don’t have to be me, but the time with me is time that has to be with me.
You know, I take that seriously. So. It’s, it’s exciting that to get that feedback as well. And it’s very easy to write VIP on your landing page, but to actually, you know, live up to that is already another whole story. Yeah. What were you expecting when you joined? What, what was, what were your hopes?
What, what did you think would happen?
It’s almost like I got everything that I didn’t dream of. You know, why was I signing up? Because I wanted to be able to work with somebody who understood more than I did about business and to help grow my business. But the ideas that you had was so not within my realm. For example, setting up an email list and going more automatic with the mail light.
It’s such, I don’t want to bore your audience, but all of that, like getting a presence in the world. Like I didn’t even know to want that. I just wanted to be out there more in the world and find a way how to invite clients into. This course that I’m giving, which is the unite course, which is really for all women until we get to the third level, which is It’s training in the teachers of the brides.
So that’s what I wanted. But again, it was like, you know, I just look back and I’m astounded on what I received the confidence in first of all, what I have to offer and how valuable it is to offer is not just something that I’m teaching and I’ve just come across and, you know, come join me, but to really appreciate that was one of the things that you said to me in our first, it’s like, you’ve done a lot of training, you have a lot to give.
And. Again, talk about facing yourself. That was my first time to reflect and go, gosh, I have done a lot of training. You know, there is a lot that I would like to offer the world. And then it was, as I said to you about that idea of reaching out to people and you telling me that until everybody in a room knows, Oh, that’s Mindy.
You haven’t done your job. You got to keep on going. You know, deepening my relationship with God, which is high on my list of values. But this was about business. So we’re, you know, of course, God comes into everything, but that’s my personal relationship with God, but you’re really bringing it down in a practical way.
And also that reminder, As the launch goes and you know, that experience of you’re waiting for people to join and everybody’s waiting till the last minute or beyond the last minute. I don’t even know if I told you like five weeks and somebody joined. Really? It’s like out of the blue, boom, no payment plans.
I would just enjoy it. I was like, hello, I’ve been advertising here and there and giving this talk, that talk, offering people payment plans, and then she comes out of the blue. So you know, all these things where you’re just reminding me, you do your work and let go and don’t let the launch and, and, and the whole psychological process But you don’t do it in a psychological way, where you’re looking at me like, Oh, Mindy, you need help.
Go lie down on the couch and I’ll do some magic over you, you know, and figure out, you know, where this goes back to the tree, you know.
No, I don’t know how to do that. It’s like, this is the pre launch jitters. Keep going. Don’t give up. It’s not over till it’s over. And even then it’s not over. And you know, all of that and so much more. So again, what did I want to get? I didn’t know what I wanted. It’s like, you go to a business coach, you go to the doctor cause you want to feel better, right?
You go to a business coach cause you want a business. So what does business mean? What are your goals? And that’s where you were able to clarify my goals and be clear about it and then get clear about what is it that I have to package and to sell to the world in a, in a way that they can hear. But it was a really step by step guidance.
I didn’t have to do anything on my own and your availability, as I said, I didn’t have WhatsApp and you’re like, okay, fine. So it will be email and you answered me on email. You had a baby then, and I got cute photos of your babies, but also got. You know, so much more as you were going, and I’m like, can I send this email, but I really need an answer by tomorrow.
And I just, and even with the time difference, there was always that answer, that encouragement that going on. And I remember one month, it was quiet and I had done whatever I had done and it was quiet. So I wasn’t sure where to go from here. I was sort of thinking about it. And then you sent me an email out of the blue, India.
I haven’t heard from you. It’s like, well, Reviton’s. I, I meant to email her if I need help. I didn’t even know what’s right. Cause I didn’t know what I needed help with. So really having that support, like, how did that happen? Aren’t you a business coach that just cares about business and not about your clients?
Well, I guess not, surprise, surprise, unique, you know, and it reminds me of another experience, where I had this free session with a business coach. She was really very nice and connected to me. And then I’m still in this, you know, passive waiting mode before I met you. And she said, okay, we’ll be in touch.
She never contacted me to see what were your thoughts. Had she contacted me, I probably wouldn’t have been able to resist. you know, because I don’t want to make her upset or, you know, so that was again, before I really got the confidence to align myself and to really check in with myself, even when somebody is more of an expert in what, They know it’s like, I would have felt I sort of should go to her.
She’s given me a free hour. Maybe I owe it to her. And, funnily enough, she didn’t reach out to me. So the next one in line, again, I don’t know how this happened, but I’m suddenly meeting with you. And as we say, the rest is history. Thank God.
📍 So what can a person expect when they join your program?
Good question. So one thing I want to make clear is that I started out because I wanted this to be a marriage course, but as I kept on developing and developing, what I realized is that it’s really a relationships course, because in any relationship, we first have to work on the relationship with ourselves.
And it’s not like it’s a one time done deal. I can. I’m sure you’ve seen that, you know, our six months came to an end and I’m saying, Robinson, I still want to work with you because we still have so much of our relationship with ourselves that needs to be unraveled and revealed. And even as I teach this beautiful information.
And even as I do it, I’ll still have moments where I’m going like, Oh, help, help. I need somebody in my life that will bring me back to myself. So, you know, we need to keep on working with our relationship with ourselves. That’s, that’s the one that I always start off with. We have different areas of life.
We have acceptance, respect, trust, and you know, I said like just quickly like this, but many of us don’t even know what acceptance really means. I’ll just give you one small example that we talk about in acceptance when we’re talking about our relationship. So most people think, Oh, I have to accept him how he is, what’s and all, and I say, that doesn’t work.
What we need to accept is the parts that are difficult and a challenge for us with our husbands. We need to accept that that is difficult for us and be with that and see that what’s the impact it has on us. You see what I mean where we don’t work against our body. Cause when I say I accept my husband for who he is. It’s not true on the body. There are parts of the body that just go, I wish he wouldn’t be like that. I wish he’d be more you fill in the blanks.
But when we accept that I really struggle with that and we can be with ourselves around that and honor that and make space for that, the resistance goes, except what most people do is they resist. No, I accept him. He’s amazing. He’s fantastic. You know? So he’s not such a good listener, but he’s great at shopping for the price you.
And then we resist and it pushes back and we end up acting nasty or whenever that happens and, and we’re like, Oh my gosh, shouldn’t have done that. So, you know, again, I’m saying these words, but there’s so much more acceptance, respect, trust, appreciation, resolution, and time. So we have our relationship with ourselves, our relationship with God.
And then. We have our relationship with our husbands slash others. Cause I believe that this applies, you know, again, people taking my course say that as you, you were saying this affects them with their children and with the other relationships, how to interact. And so. That’s pretty much we’re working on those three areas all the time as we go through.
So that’s the level one part. So there’s a waiting list available for that because we’re closed now until May, I believe. Then we have level two, which is the art of intimacy. I don’t know if you realize when I said acceptance, respect, trust, that’s the art of relationships. Then we have the art of intimacy.
And again you know, I felt like when I joined up with your course and I got those beautiful talks for free on intimacy again. So many women are being trained to work against their body when it comes to this topic of intimacy instead of really understanding the importance of listening to their bodies because that will guide them through and open them up to much deeper relationships.
Women shut off, shut off, shut off. Their focus is on their husband. And then that is a surefire way to just shut off that desire. It’s just going to happen. There’s, you know, there’s no other way, but that’s what women seem to be trained to do. I don’t know why it’s like, it’s okay.
As long as he’s happy, as long as he’s happy and then boof. And so we work them through that. I love that you Watched my intimacy masterclass being that you have your own whole training on intimacy and it feels like I got like the approval, you know, like Someone bigger than me is actually liking what I have to say about this but really it is really really important to talk about it because Nobody is talking about it in the way that is working for us.
A lot of it is, you know, just do this thing. Just push through just whatever. And that’s really counterproductive. It’s not working. Yeah. And even the act yourself. There’s two things actually that I want to say. So I’ll pause myself and run. So one thing is I get to meet the other end of this.
I get to meet the women at the other end of being told, Oh, just do this and just do that and focus on husband, etc. And I see the devastation that occurs as a result of that. And it makes me really sad. And then back to what you were saying I’ve lost my train of thought.
I also did, but I know I have something to say about acceptance. Okay, so go there and we’ll see if we come back. Yeah. Acceptance. When you were talking about acceptance. One of the things that I work a lot on is people say, I already accepted that this is what God wants for me. I already accepted, you know, you’re supposed to accept God’s will.
So I already accepted it. Like, yeah, but you’re, Resentful, frustrated, annoyed, resistant, like, that’s not acceptance, you know? Exactly. Yeah, well, obviously that’s what he wants from me. So what can I do? So it’s very different, it’s very different. When we say acceptance, we’re not talking about like give up and just be like, Oh, I guess that’s what God wants for me.
Actually. God wants a relationship with us. God wants us to say, Hey God, I’m not really happy about what’s going on here. I need something to change. I need to connect with you and figure out a way to let it be easy. And that’s where we start to see flow is when you can, you know, in your triple Y, it’s find where I am right now and be like, I don’t really like this.
I’m not happy about this. This isn’t working for me. And, and then we missed out the know yourself, which is, yeah, that, well, that’s pretty much what you’re saying. The accept yourself is first of all, accept that this is really difficult for you, whatever God’s sending for you. And he’ll always be sending us challenges, you know, we’re not here on a free ride.
So, but we have to first accept, Hey, this is really difficult. And when you know yourself, you, you drop in a little deep and go. What about it is difficult? What is it bringing up in me? So it could be something as simple as I just don’t like it when people speak to me like that. Or it could be something even deeper that’s oh gosh this reminds me of my teacher in grade 2 who was just so harsh on me and every time somebody uses that particular word it just, I get frozen and jelly.
So it’s just really getting to know yourself. And so first we face ourself and see what’s going on, you know, just get to see what’s happening. And then when you get to know yourself, what is going on, what about the situation makes it so difficult, or if it’s in a relationship, so that would be more God based, What about the situation is difficult for me?
You know, and it’s incredible what comes up. Like sometimes I remember we were having an experience with a woman that was saying nasty things about my daughter and something was really upsetting me. And as I got in deeper to getting to know myself, it reminded me of somebody in grade five who I had treated her with such kindness and she replayed it with nastiness and had taken a project of mine, squashed it up.
And I felt like. Yeah. Oh, I felt like this woman was taking my beautiful daughter and doing exactly that squash. And then suddenly I was like, Oh my goodness, they have the same surname. It wasn’t the same woman, but it was the same surname. It’s like, God. It doesn’t work randomly.
I needed to be there for that grade 5 little girl, that little 10 year old that needed somebody to go, I saw what happened. And I’m with you and I feel for you and to just restore that little piece of me that was hurt in that experience. And then I just, again, if we go back to the act yourself, once I could know myself, I could act myself.
And I sent a message to that woman that she needs to stop doing what she’s doing because it’s not appropriate. But until then it was like, Oh my God, what should we do? Should we speak to, should we go? And as soon as I was like, Oh my goodness. Yeah. And I could be there for my 10 year old and then I could just say, Hey, this has got to stop.
Enough already. She’s my precious daughter. Her name is not to be ruined. Wow. And that courage and that clarity and the confidence that it takes to act yourself is a natural consequence to the other two. Which some people are like looking for step three. By trying to bypass the other two, you know, I just want confidence.
I just want Claire, I just want, I just want to know what to do. It’s like, okay, let’s find out what to do, you know, come and sit down. Let’s pause for a second. And we don’t really like to do things, you know, slow and steady, but this is such a good example of how. In a situation where, where am I going to get the courage to figure out what to do, or the clarity to even know what the best way is.
And, you know, it’s just feels so scattered and cluttered and overwhelming and all the things. And then suddenly when you can plug in to yourself, to what really, really matters to you, it’s so beautiful. So, so beautiful.
Wow, is there anything else you feel you need to say in our podcast today?
Well, I’m grateful to be here and I mean that on so many levels. I met you last year in the summer. I think that’s when I first knew about you. And then till we made a meeting yeah. And to think of what a year of growth it has been myself and for having clarity about what I want to do in the world and how to do it.
Yeah. I am grateful to be here. I am so grateful. You’re here too. It’s so fun. It’s so fun. When you say I met you last year, it makes me think, isn’t that crazy? I was pregnant last year. You know, and I was having a baby and it was baby number eight. And I have very loving people in my life who say, what are you doing?
What do you even do? You know, people don’t understand what, what the implications of the podcast, of the work I do, of the impact that it creates. And I have to remind myself because no one else is doing it for me of why God put me here. And it’s really to bring his presence home, home to ourselves, home into our homes and home to his home.
Right? So I have a very clear why, and it is the thing that lights the way. What I do and if an opportunity comes that isn’t aligned or it doesn’t fit I don’t feel bad saying no because I know I have to conserve my energy for the things that really matter and to hear you say Just last year, I was sure I needed to grow my business, but I didn’t know how.
I didn’t know what that meant. I didn’t even know where to start. I didn’t know what to do. And then a year later, not only did you get so clear on your value and the things that you do, and I even remember restructuring so that we can serve regular women and not just the teachers. That was like the first thing we did.
And then finding your method and then working through how to be seen and all the things, like all the parts of this journey. And if I can add also, yeah, I don’t also about the importance of, as you were sharing with me, not being grabby, doing your thing and letting it go. That that’s also such a big part of it.
Not controlling the results, remembering the results up to God. And look at that. So let’s, yeah. So let’s talk about results. What would you say the return on investment? Cause the working with me costs 2, 500. Okay. For anybody listening doors are opening in January. They’re going to be open for the entire January or until it fills up.
And I believe it’s going to fill up before the end of January. Because I was at capacity until December January 1st, you know, doors are opening and let’s see who grabs it first. This is, you know, this is like a really exciting energy for me because it’s not even a question of who’s going to come.
We’re are they going to come? It’s more like, wow, it’s, it’s really, it’s this deep, deep belief that God is, is handpicking the women who are going to be working with me. And it’s going to be an amazing, amazing group. So we’re opening doors in January and it’s a three month program that is VIP and is very handheld handheld.
That sounds like a T a telephone it’s, I hold your hand through the whole process. What, what are some of the return on investments, the ROIs of joining, since you did join for a business aspect. So, you know, it has a lot of monetary ROIs as well as non monetary ROIs. Okay, so firstly, immediately, I made my money back because I had been advertising and you said to me, you know, sometimes it’s just the simplest of questions.
You said to me, so did you get any clients that way? And I had been spending 2500. Advertising in another arena. And I was like, nope, other times I have, and it almost felt like it was worth it. Even if I got one or two clients, because I knew there were others who were seeing and, but this time not one client came through that avenue and you were like, well, why would you do that?
And that was a really good question. That I couldn’t answer. So then immediately, it’s like, I felt like I got, I didn’t get you for free because it was worth every dollar that I spent, but it was like, I made my money back immediately. It wasn’t even that I could claim it as a big business expense anymore than I could claim You know, claim the advertising and that just felt like not only that, but that was a relief because every time I have to do the advertising, I had to go through certain steps and hoops that I did not enjoy that were overwhelming and were not in line with me.
And then you encourage me to do more of the live advertising, which is again, in line with. I love teaching. I love being here. You know, being with you and talking about little bits of wisdom that I’ve garnered over the years. That’s where I feel alive. So even though the work was work, it was what I want to do.
It wasn’t like until now it was like, let me advertise so I can teach. But now it changed with what you encourage me to do. And with the, your greatest assistant it’s not your assistant, whatever. She works from you, Karen Miller. What, I’m not sure what your relationship with her is. Yeah. Yeah. So she helped me in that way of being able to get more exposure in the world.
So I was teaching to advertise, advertise, to teach. It was such a different way of doing it. So then it just felt like it was doing more of what I wanted to do, as opposed to worrying about colors and worrying about technicalities and printing and the way English and all of that. So that alone was
enormous. And then having somebody, as you’re saying, you know, that handheld experience as I’m going through a launch, which I’m looking at you and you’re going, this is such an exciting energy. God is handpicking. And I know he is, but I’m not there yet in my own business. I need somebody to remind me at that time that it’s happening.
And then again, those meetings that we would meet and When I feel the overwhelm is coming to me, I know Baruch Hen doesn’t let me do it, but you know, I need to meet with you again. So that’s where I would come in and we’d sit down and you’d give me clarity and you’d say okay, so this is what you’re gonna do over there.
Next few weeks, et cetera. Until we meet next time. And then I also felt personally, again, talk about spoiled. I felt like I got my own tailor made program for me that worked with me. Cause there were certain things in your program that didn’t work with me. And again, I felt comfortable enough with you to be honest and say, Robertson, can I please have it this way instead of that way?
You were like, yeah, sure. It’s all here for you. Listen the program All the trainings, all the meditations, all of the sessions, everything that’s there can probably take a person probably like two years just to consume. Right. So it’s not, everything is for everyone. It’s, I’m going to point you in the right direction, or you’re going to go and look at what pulls you or what calls you.
And it’s always so exact, right? If you get really silent, you will know what you need to hear right now. And, and it’s always so exact. You know, I, I once heard I can’t remember her name, but she has this app that she made for her father’s, memory, Abraham’s legacy. And the app is to heal him, you know, Psalms, and you press the button and it gives you the next to heal him in the world that is being said.
And so you’re constantly, it’s so beautiful. You’re constantly getting a random, non random, you know, nothing’s random to heal him, Psalm, and you’re like, This is totally random and you start reading it and it’s exactly what you need to hear. And she talks about how exact it is because everything is so exact.
Sometimes it’s like that, or all the times it’s like that, or you, you open up a meditation. You’re like, I have no idea what this is going to talk about, or the title is really talking to me, but I have no idea. Or maybe it’s, Oh, this one’s four minutes. I’ll grab it. Cause I only have four minutes left. And then there’s something I say, or something that comes up for you.
That is so necessary or so needed at that moment. It was like, wow. Right. Yeah. That reminds me. When I was listening to your sales talk and you go, don’t help the person in the first phone call, tell them how you can help them. And I’m like, that is so me. How many clients have I had? And it’s like, yeah, well, you could do this.
You could do that. You could do this. And. I realized it doesn’t help them because they get overwhelmed with what I’m telling them, because I’m not telling it to them in a place where they can really listen and hear. And I haven’t, as you’ve taught me, I haven’t listened to what their problem is fully yet.
I’m just jumping in with my advice. And then it’s like, Oh, well, I spoke to Mindy. It didn’t really help. You know, I don’t, I don’t know what’s this course. She’s giving on intimacy. I spoke to her about my intimacy. It didn’t help. Well, of course it didn’t. You need to listen and you need to share. Okay. Well, look, these are the ways that I can help you.
Are you interested in coming to me? So that was one thing that was like, well, gosh, you know, me, by the way, you think you’re a special snowflake, but we are all in this together. If you don’t know that by helping, you’re not helping, you automatically want to help because we’re all so loving and so caring and we just want to like fix your problem right now.
But like, if If we try, we end up unfixing it. We make it worse. So anybody listening out there, take this advice to heart, please, please, please, if you’re going to help someone, make sure that they are invested, ready, open to being helped. Yeah, yeah. So that was like, as you’re saying, like totally like boom.
What I needed to hear at that moment. And that definitely informed me when I, again, talking to people, how can, how I can help them? It’s how I can help them. And if they’re invested, they will come back and they will receive the help in a slow, gentle manner that works with them and not against them.
Right. I think that’s the big thing. Yeah. You know, one of the things that I have been really working at, Recently, and I mean recently in my mind is like the last two years, but I’m always working to really sharpen the method, sharpen the process, sharpen the experience because a lot of programs have a lot of promises and, you know, you go in, you think, Oh, this is going to fix everything about my life and change my faucets.
You know, like it’s going to do everything. And so like my, I don’t like to call them promises because they’re really possibilities there. You know, what’s possible for you when you lean in and you really allow it to come in again. Let it be easy, but you have to do the work of letting it come in, right?
It’s like it could be like ready to pour down, but you’re not letting it in so Taking the you know, very conscious process of what has to happen first and next and then and so forth so that you can Experience it in the best way possible. And even after working with you and some of the other ladies in that cohort, I realized that there were certain things that were basic that weren’t in the welcome section, because I was hoping you would know them by then, you know, cause if somebody is listening to me for a while, or if somebody knows who I am, then these are obvious, you know, but they weren’t obvious to some people.
And so now in the welcome section of the training member area, whatever it’s called. There is, here are the three things you’re doing this week before we start impressive, it is very impressive. And there’s, there are little. They’re simple, but they give you the first step into, what do I need to do?
I feel like I’m doing something, you know, all the technical stuff, schedule your calls, make sure that you’re, you know, my friend on WhatsApp, you know, send me a high. Cause you know, one of the things you get is WhatsApp support. You said you don’t have WhatsApp. So I just want to make sure that the listeners know WhatsApp support is included and you know, obviously don’t abuse it and start sending me memes.
But when you have a question or you have something, a concern, I am here for you. And that’s one of my best things. Like if I could say all of this is completely worth it. Just to have a coach in your pocket for the those moments where you’re like I stayed up all night trying to figure this out It’s not working.
I don’t know what to do next, you know that That that was also great that we had the opposite hours where if I was up at night I could speak to you And you probably have quite a few American clients where the hours are, you know Yeah, and that’s also why I like the A Synchronous coaching with WhatsApp.
Somebody could send a message when things are happening and the, whatever time of night, day, doesn’t matter. And I put away my phone cause my boundaries are hopefully strong enough. My phone is not in my bedroom and is quiet at night, so I don’t get any dings. It doesn’t bother me. Nobody knows you’re sending me a message.
And in the morning after I’ve prayed and I’m ready to answer questions, I sit down and I go through and I leave voice messages and I make sure to really address the things and sometimes just asking a question or giving a pep talk, it really helps. It really helps. Yeah, absolutely. Well, that was my experience without the WhatsApp.
So that’s that’s amazing. Yeah, that is amazing. I love it. Oh Okay. Well, what do you have to tell to a person listening going? I don’t know but I think maybe I should do it Maybe she’s on the fence or maybe she’s not sure what advice can you give her? So can you be specific to it?
What’s it? Oh Join the program. Oh As in yours or mine, either, it doesn’t matter because I think, and this is really beautiful. The reason why I have a podcast and the reason why I bring other people on is because I believe that we are in a season of redemption. And we know that women are going to be bringing this redemption and women lead very differently than men.
Men, there is one guy on top and everybody’s supporting him and he’s leading come along people and women. We lead in flocks. We actually fly and making sure that we’re flying together. We have networks and groups and communities and friends and alliances, and we cross pollinate so that we make an impact that is wide And not necessarily one leader, right?
And that’s why it says like the women are going to bring it. They’re going to be raising the level of consciousness. They’re going to be creating different conversations. They’re going to be bringing it in very subtle and different ways than a man would. So I believe that by bringing guests. Into my podcast.
I’m giving them an opportunity to see that there are many different options of ways to help yourself, different things that you can tap into that you can find what works for you. So let’s say you’re not my style and you’re like, I don’t know, I get what you’re saying, but it’s not exactly what I need. Or maybe because I work very much with marriage and business or success that there is.
Something there that doesn’t fit their lifestyle, whatever. That’s fine. I don’t need you to work with me. I need you to work on you because the focus isn’t me. The focus is on the listener. The person who’s listening now is saying I, Oh, Oh, I get to. Improve. I get to tap in, I get to find answers. I get to do the things my way.
Oh, I really like Mindy or I really like a different guest and something she says really resonates or something, you know, and then suddenly we have this gorgeous you know, exponential growth of women finding the right thing for them, which goes back to the triple Y method, right? Act yourself. Well, that’s what I was going to say.
Whether it’s right, whether it’s your course, whether it’s my course, and I do appreciate what you’re saying. Totally. I’m very aligned with what you’re saying about the women and redemption and cross pollinating and doing it together. So again, I would just say exactly do the triple Y method. First of all, face yourself.
Where are you now? And what is it that you’re yearning for? Just look, look, look at yourself. What is it that we wish for? What is it that you’re, you feel like you’re missing and then get to know yourself a little deeper and check in what is happening. What do you know about yourself that you didn’t know before when you didn’t face yourself and you ran away from yourself?
Cause we can also do courses. And this is what one of the women doing my course, She, she shared with me. She’s the one who, somebody who cycles through courses very quickly and doesn’t get much from it because it’s a way of running away. That’s also another way that a lot of women run away is just go to the next thing, go to the next thing and not integrate it, which is also a big part of my course.
It’s so important to integrate it. And I feel you’re the same. Also making me actually do it. Don’t just talk about it when you do it. So when we go into that. Knowing yourself a little deeper and then it’s acting yourself. Then it’s clear about which course you’re going to do. Cause you know what you need.
You’ve seen where you’re up to. It’s just clear. You just go and take that step and sign up, put yourself on the waiting list, whether it’s here or there and just go for it and you don’t look back. Yeah, that’s what I would say. That is beautiful. So where can people sign up
Well, they can email me, I thought, I thought you had my subscribe link, but that’s okay. We can do it another way. So you could say the subscribe link is going to be at the bottom of the wherever you’re listening, wherever you’re listening. And also you can email me at mindellatlivinginyunity. au, mindellatlivinginyunity.
au, Australia. Yeah, that’s cool. You know, I’m so proud of myself for having a client in Australia because the whole time I’m saying this is a great time zone for me. Why aren’t more people from Australia working with me? And that’s one of the big grateful things that I have to say is thank you God for bringing me Mindy because her time zone really works.
It does. Yeah, it does. That’s really fun. Yeah. Yeah. So I hope you get many more people from Australia. Amen. I love it. I love it. You know, when people ask me where do your ladies come from? They actually really come from the UK. The United States, Israel, and then you’re the first one from Australia.
But it feels really cool to be able to say that because now it’s like, Oh, I work worldwide. You know, there’s no other places left. No, just kidding. There’s an entire world left. I know. I did have some people from different countries that weren’t the English speaking countries. Which I thought was really cool, you know, Italy and Belgium and things like that, which is very cool.
It blows my mind. You know, when we were growing up, when I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life, you know, I don’t think this was even a possibility. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. So, I always knew I wanted to be a teacher. That was clear. Yeah. But how it sort of mushrooms and grew out of that and just grew and grew.
And I think this is also something I wanted to say before, if it’s okay that I bring it in here is like, because that level of trust is built up with you, then when we were having our closing session, which was our opening session to next time that’s the way I see it. And you’re asking me, so Mindy, you know, where do you want to take this for?
Because I had the trust. It was like, Well, should I tell her how far I want to take this? Should I tell her how wide I want to take? And this was actually, the vision came to me in one of your meditations, where I sort of had been in the elevator and I come out and And there was just the wilderness.
And I felt like I’m all alone doing the work. I need more people to help me do the work, to spread to other teachers of brides, how to teach other teachers of brides. So it’s sort of like this flash came to me that I don’t have to do it alone. I can train other teachers of brides to train other teachers of brides.
But, you know, first it was like, can I share this vision with her? You know, my goal. And it was like, well, I had that level of trust with you that I felt like I could share that with you. So that was incredible. Yeah. Thank you. This is so beautiful. And now I feel like you’ve just shared it with the world.
So it’s becoming even more real, which is so beautiful. Thank you for being here. Thank you for coming on my podcast. Thank you for sharing all of the wonderful times we had together. I look forward to working with you again. You know, since, since you’ve already Pretty much said it. I’m, I’m excited about it.
And please God, we said you know, spread far and wide and light up the world with God’s light. It’s so beautiful. By the way. If you guys are interested in working with me doors are opening in January, but you can already schedule your discovery calls so that you can catch your spot and you can do that at connected for real.
com. There’s a little tab there that says private coaching. Didn’t you tell me, like I want you to put on your book. Was it, what was the title you said? Inviting change or something? When did I say one of my first meetings you said on my notebook, I had to do something like inviting change because your life is going to change.
It just came to me in a flash right now. You said your life is going to change. I’m like, okay, well, maybe my business, isn’t that a bit much, but I would definitely say. Yeah. So, okay. Let me tell you guys what she’s talking about. When somebody commits to work with me, I say, take your calendar and on today’s date, right, this is the day I committed to change my life.
Yes. Yes. And you’re saying you thought that was an overstatement. Yeah, that was before I knew you. Right now, now you see it, your whole life changed. Yeah, totally. It’s so cool. Yeah, and I think if people would know me, they would know that I don’t say these things lightly. It’s not like I’m one of these people just like, oh, I don’t gush.
I really don’t gush. But if it’s true, I say it. That’s so beautiful. You know, I totally forgot I told you to do that and now you brought it up and I’m like, I’m smiling here because it’s such a beautiful thing, such a beautiful thing. And you know, people say, like, how could you promise such a thing? Or how could you say such a thing?
But it’s not me. It’s God, right? Because as soon as you open up and commit to stepping in to allowing God to use you as the messenger, you know, God put you here to do something big. He’s calling you to do it. You feel the calling, but you’re resisting it because you don’t know how you’re afraid.
You don’t think you’re enough. Maybe you’re not worthy. I don’t know. We have all these stories about why we’re not leaning in. And then it’s like, okay, fine. I’m going to do it. I get the right. Support, I’m going to get the guidance. I’m going to do it. And then you do it and magic happens. And it’s not magic.
It’s just that you’re finally doing what God wants you to do. So God is going to help you because this is a two way street. He’s not just going to like throw a job at you and leave you hanging. He actually is. Is guiding every single step from that moment that you show up. So it’s, the most authentic thing I could say is get ready get ready.
Your life is going to change and it’s going to be awesome.
Thank you guys for listening. Thank you, Mindy, for coming. Don’t forget to come back for more amazing episodes. Thank you for subscribing and doing all the likes and all the things and telling your friends. It’s like such fun things, and thank you God. Don’t forget to be connected for real and I will see you next time.
And that’s it! Thank you for listening to the very end. I would love if you can leave a review and subscribe to the podcast. Those are things that tell the algorithm this is a good podcast and make sure to suggest it to others. Wouldn’t it be amazing if more people became more connected for real? And now take a moment and think of someone who might benefit from this episode.
Can you share it with them? I am Robinson Bat chen Grossman from connectedforreal. com. Thank you so much for listening and don’t forget you can be connected for real.
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