Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman is a marriage coach for women in business, and Aviva Fink is her assistant. Join them as they talk about what it’s like behind the scenes at Connected For Real!
Welcome to the Connected For Real podcast. I’m Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman, a marriage coach for women in business. And my mission is to bring God’s presence into your life, into your marriage and into your business. Let’s get started.
And we are live Welcome everyone to the connected for real podcast. I’m riveting, but then Grossman and today we have a special episode with my personal assistant Aviva Welcome Aviva introduce yourself Thank you for having me. My name’s Aviva. I am the behind the scenes assistant of Bachan at Connected for Real.
And I do a lot of awesome work with her. She’s an awesome boss and I’m excited to talk more about it. Yes. We’re doing this special episode because I find that. Behind the scenes episodes are always so intriguing. When I listen to behind the scenes of other people, I always learn new things about them, about how they do things, how they work, and I just find it fascinating To see other people’s behind the scenes.
So I’m letting you guys in on my behind the scenes. I think it’s really fun that I got Aviva to finally agree to be in the front of the scenes because she is so good at running everything in the background. So Aviva, tell everybody how we met, how we started, and you know, how we, how we got here. All right, so Bachan and I live in the same community in Israel, and she was one of the first people I met when I moved here, and right when I met her, I think you had started your business already?
I’m not even sure. But yes, one of the very first things that you told me about was the work by Byron Katie. That was how we kind of got started. And then I came to the first marriage breakthrough retreat. Also, first of all, we were friends first. And I came to the first marriage breakthrough retreat.
And that was when I learned kind of about your business and what you do and your coaching and your whole story, which by the way, is very cool. I’m very inspirational. And we did the work. I think, I don’t know if it was that same year. I think it was that same year. We did the work on myself. I think we did the work on you before the marriage breakthrough retreat.
We might have, I I’m a little bit fuzzy. On when exactly it was, maybe like five, six years ago. When was the first marriage breakthrough retreat? Six years ago? 2019. No, 2020. Okay, so like it was at the end of 2020 or right, I think January of 21. Okay. So about five years ago, we did the work on money personally for me, and it really, really changed things for me.
And I was like, Oh, this is so cool. And whatever. And then I went on with my life. We stayed friends. And then about three Years ago already, almost like two and a half years ago, we started working together and it was kind of random. I wasn’t looking for a job. I had a baby at home and I was looking to create some sort of structure in my day in my life.
And then all of a sudden, one day I get this email saying, Looking for an assistant and it was like, wow, you know, maybe I could do this. It seems like something I could handle. So I called back in and I asked her, you know, do you think this is something I’d be good at and it’s something I can handle?
And you said, yes. And that’s where we started.
It was really fun. So, let me give you a little bit of background behind that, because I posted. That I needed a personal assistant. I post, I sent an email to all my subscribers. Cause I figured if somebody is in my world already, then they’re going to know what I’m, what I’m all about. And then it’s going to be easier for them to get into it.
So I sent it to all my people and I got like maybe four responses. And it was, I was very clear in the email that I want in person. And I got four responses of people who wanted to work virtually like, Hey, I can do it. I live in like, you know, you have Pittsburgh America or like, Hey, I can do it, but I live across the country and the other side of the world.
You know, it just didn’t make any sense. Even people who lived in Israel wanted to work from home and didn’t want to travel here. And I thought, God, what is going on? Like I really know I need someone in person. I know myself, I know my personality and it’s not working out. What do you want me to do?
And I got this like calm patience thing. So I just, okay, let it go. And I was very proud of myself that I was still very clear on the personal assistant in person Because I remember telling them. No, I really don’t want virtual. I really want in person And everybody’s response was like, okay, let me know if you find someone and if not i’m always here, you know And they were trying to keep their door open and I I just felt really confident that god is going to send me someone Amazing who’s going to be
an anchor for me to be able to thrive and grow. And then Sunday morning, I think you called me and said, Hey, do you think this is for me? Like after all the drama from the week before, it just sort of all fell into place. And I was just like, left with my mouth open. Like, thank you, God. Yes, God, I get it. God, you know, I was like, it had to take its time, but it was the exact perfect thing.
So that was just a little bit of. What was going on before you called? Mm-Hmm? . Yeah. It’s all from Hashem. It’s all meant to be. Yeah. It is all meant to be. Yeah. And it’s great because it comes back to the calm method where it’s like, if you really know what you want and not just like, okay, fine, I’ll take this ’cause I have to settle.
But like, if you really know what you want, then you’re able to hold onto that dream and you’re able to really stay grounded and focused. And when you bring God into it, which is the A, then, you know, ta da, here you are. I have my own story. I mean, the same sort of thing was going on behind the scenes for me because I was like, I’ve been a stay at home mom already for six years, and I was craving, like, a structure and a, something to my day, but I didn’t want a full time job and I didn’t want to put my baby in a daycare.
So I was also praying about it. I was like, Hashem, I just really, I really need direction. I really need something. And then again, I got your email and I was like, okay, this is actually perfect for me. And the amount of work is very minimal, but it’s also I knew for a very long time I had tried looking for jobs, you know whatever, just those random computer jobs.
And I was like, I can’t do these kinds of jobs because they’re just, they’re not for me. I need something that is aligned with my values and something with substance that I can connect to a little bit at least. And then Hashem put this job in my lap. So, Yeah, yeah, it was. It worked out at first sight.
It was definitely a mixed match. It was meant to be, meant to be. And we were all good friends. Yeah, we were already friends. And what was beautiful is you, you were in the intimacy masterclass, you were in the marriage breakthrough retreat. Like you already had consumed a lot of what I was putting down.
And so you knew what it was all about and you were able to jump right into it. Where like, I didn’t have to train you. I didn’t have, I mean, I trained you in other ways, but I didn’t train you on the values and you know, what matters and what we’re doing here. Like you knew. And I also remember you telling me on the phone one time, I really want to work with you, but I just don’t.
See that happening, but I really need it. I really want it and and then afterwards when we started working together and you had access to all the things that are in the Recordings and and things like that. That’s when things really got exciting, you know, just to hear that they work You know, yeah, really exciting over there Well we didn’t know what we wanted to do at first, like what my role was at first, we just called me assistant.
And we just started off with taking pictures and making cute little reels for Instagram. But then I really got into the editing of the masterminds that you were doing at the time and the meditations and all that. And I never really sat down and did all of the work that you taught myself because I was really, listening for editing, but I was listening.
So it did get into my head. And then how long after, like, I don’t know how long after, maybe a year after I was working with you, maybe even less, maybe like six months. I don’t know. And my husband one day was like, wow I’m noticing changes in you from working with Bachin. And I’m like, what?
And he’s like, yeah, you’re really, you’re really changing. And I’m like, Oh, huh. I guess the stuff I’m hearing is just getting absorbed into my brain. So it’s an added bonus of my job. I get paid grow. Yeah. I think it’s really important. Also people think like, Oh, I’m not going to be able to fully do it.
So it’s like, you know, I’m not going to get the most out of the program. Sometimes it’s not really about getting the most. It’s just being able to be in it. You know, you’re affected by just being in it, just hearing it without doing the exercises did made such a shift in your own life.
And I actually remember when you said your husband walked in and said that it’s really so wonderful. Also, by the way It’s so funny that he hears my voice in the background all the time when you’re editing the podcast
And and it’s fun to hear the men’s perspective also a lot of women will tell me my husband Heard something you said while I was listening and was like, wow, that was a gold nugget, like right there. So that’s really fun to be able to open up that conversation with that level of communication where we’re not just talking about random things where suddenly discuss podcast episode or discussing a point that came up that’s really fun.
Yeah, he also, by the way, loved your episode about your journey. Everyone should go listen. Yeah, the episode about your journey because it’s so cool because I don’t know even for me just working with you It’s fun to hear your journey because it’s kind of hopeful also for me Like who knows where I’ll end up in 10 years.
Wow. Yeah. What about the journey specifically? Like what part of it are you so excited about? Cause you, you brought it up twice. Fine. Well, I think it’s cool that you went from one thing to another. Like you don’t have to just go to college, learn one thing and say, this is what I’m going to do for the rest of my life.
We’re constantly growing and changing as people. And it’s inspiring to know that that you went from something you were, you know, you enjoyed, you were really good at to something that you were really passionate in. And also you went with something that you’re talented in.
People had told you that you’re good at this and you said, you know, okay, I’m actually going to go for it and I’m actually going to do it. And it’s inspiring, especially for people who are kind of stuck, but they know what they want to do, but they’re scared just, you know, for people to know that they can jump in and just, you know, Take the leap.
And for me personally, I don’t really want to own a business. That’s why I’m doing this job. And I think it’s really good for me, but I was a business owner, I guess, technically before, cause I was a photographer. But I also still feel hopeful. Like if I want in the future to do photography again, I could do it again. I’m constantly growing and changing and I could just do whatever I Feel like doing whatever comes up next. So, yeah. So first thing is you guys, all the photography or most of it is Aviva and that’s really fun as a side bonus. I ended up being able to do some photo shoots and some great, you know get some great things out of that deal.
So that was really fun. The journey that Aviva is referring to for anybody who hasn’t heard episode a hundred or was in any of my classes or calls. So I was a graphic designer for 15 years, and then I felt called to really pivot and find the courage to, to lean in and become more authentic.
And I turned 40 recently and someone said like, Well, how would you title the last 10 years? And I thought that was a crazy question. Like who even thought of that? But then I started thinking, you know, in the last 10 years, all I’ve been doing is really leaning more into myself. Like I stopped hiding behind.
The scenes and started moving forward to, you know, being able to talk about what I do and what matters most. And you know, as a graphic designer, one of the things I, I specialized in was family businesses, right? I was the designer, but I was somehow drawn to all these businesses that had like the father, the mother and the kids all working in Together and my presence there was really just bringing peace. I was making sure everybody’s heard, and I listened to everybody’s opinions and made sure I took everybody into account and I was peacemaker and I didn’t even realize that was my role. Like I really thought they valued me for the design and for the graphics. And of course they valued my graphics and my design, but I brought to the.
Conversation, something that was way beyond that. And I didn’t see it because I was so limited in how I saw myself. And when I was able to start to open up and really contain a lot more, I realized that, yeah, looking back, that really was the value that I brought to the table, like, beyond anything else. So it is really fascinating.
And you know, if I saw myself from 10 years ago now, I would be shocked because I was afraid of speaking in public. My biggest fear was to be, put on the spot and ask the question or had to give a class like no way I would never be able to do such things. So it makes me realize also that all these things are skills and that they’re things you have to practice and they’re not inborn.
You don’t just like, oh, she just happens to be really good in front of the camera. Actually, you could learn how to be really good in front of the camera. Or you could learn how to speak or you can have structures to what you’re going to say so that you don’t feel like you’re ever put on the spot.
All these things are things I had to learn. Yeah. I’m thinking like, okay, I’m you 10 years ago.
You just never know. I, I would be so proud . I may have my own podcast one day talking about my original coach bot fan Grossman. There. There you go. There you go. Okay, cool. So let’s think about what you have seen behind the scenes that you think people might appreciate knowing. First of all, I work really hard behind the scenes and I think that anyone who’s lucky enough to join this program will really gain so much because there’s just so much valuable stuff here, really.
The beginning was the marriage breakthrough retreat, which you still have access to. There’s the intimacy masterclass part one and part two with the Q and A, which was incredible, incredible, which is just a side thing, by the way. It’s not even like the main thing you teach. There’s the calm method, which I’ve heard a million times, but It’s so valuable.
It’s so important. Do I practice it myself? I’m not sure, but I, I know it by heart. Yeah, you know, it’s really beautiful. One of the ladies I worked with. She said she was a stay at home mom for like 27 years. And then we worked together because she wanted to figure out what her calling is.
And the first thing she learned was the calm method. She turned around and taught it to her husband. And every single time they sat down to talk, they asked each other, what do you really want? What do I really want? Okay, now let’s pray. And they would stop and bring God into the conversation. And they started seeing answers and they started seeing.
Where to go from there. They completely transformed their lives in less than six months. I worked with her for three months, about three months after that, I suddenly get a message from her just to, by the way, here’s where we’re at. Now they moved, they, this, they, that, like they did everything that she dreamt of doing.
And I’m left with my. Mouth open like wow Wow, because yes, it works. I see it working everybody else around me sees it working But sometimes when you actually stop to recognize how powerful it is, it’s pretty awesome Yeah. Yeah, the connect to yourself is extremely important because You know, if you don’t know what you want, it’s hard to do the next steps.
Yes. Yes. And you end up being very reactive, right? Wondering what other people need from you and how you can serve without really knowing what your own calling is. Right. Another amazing thing, like, probably the best thing in the program, I think, is the meditation library. I don’t know if everyone takes advantage of it, but they should because it’s really cool.
I personally have edited many meditations. At some point, we started adding music to them. So that’s fun. Just makes it more relaxing. But your meditations are so cool because they’re not just. A three minute, you know, sit and clear your mind and whatever. Okay. Move on. Those are great too. But yours with the journaling, those are awesome because you’re actually getting answers while you’re doing the meditation.
I think it’s really cool. And again, I don’t often do them myself, but they’re really valuable. Also the work by Byron Katie. Did help me a lot. So I can say that it did help me. And what else is in there? There’s just so much. There’s just so much just everything you teach.
And I know that you get a lot of good feedback. So I know it’s working and I’m happy to hear that. And the podcast, the podcast is not part of the program, but it’s. Just an extra fun thing. I think the podcast came first and still is first because it’s the way that I can impact on the biggest level, the most amount of people, and also the way that I cross pollinate with others.
You know, I am a very people person and I appreciate the connections. And I feel like if I had to do this on my own, I would not stick to it. Like I’m not the type of person to stick to a business or to stick to any project. If it’s just me doing it and I have no accountability and there’s no responsibility, it’s just like, Oh, I think I want to do this thing and let me do it.
But the fact that I get guests to come and talk to me and have really cool conversations and then be able to talk about real topics and hear what other people are saying. And sometimes on the podcast, I’ll say Oh, that was cool, but I don’t agree. And I’m allowed to give myself permission to speak up and say what I think and, you know, sort of bounce it back and forth.
I think that’s something that people appreciate. And another thing is just being able to then reach more people and then also introduce my people to other people. So sometimes you’re following me, but you think, ah, I’m never going to work with her. But then somebody comes on the podcast and it’s like, yes, I want to work with her.
And that is a gift that I get to put those two people together. So that too is really powerful. Yeah. The guests are really fun. I also enjoy editing them because every week there’s something new, something different, which I like a lot. It’s not just the same boring things over and over and over again.
Of course, nothing you teach is boring. It’s all good stuff. Really good stuff. Yeah. Yeah, I think this is a great time to have a baby at home and to, and to be aware that I am a mother of eight children and I do balance marriage and my family really well with my business. I speak about it.
It’s the thing that I obsess over. It’s something that I make sure to live because you know how some people are like, Oh, the what is it? The shoemakers kids. But so I don’t ever want to get to that point where I’m like, you know, spewing have balance, have balance, but then myself not have balance. So I’m very sensitive to that.
And I think that’s one of the things that makes me so much fun to have as a coach, because I also And as a boss, I also share how many times you’ve said like I have so many times where there’s an appointment or I’m not feeling well or whatever. And you’re so chill about it.
You’re so relaxed about it. We just reschedule or I just get it done when I can. And it’s really a gift. It’s really a gift to have a boss like you really, I want to hear publicly because you’re such a great boss. And really, you are very authentic. You really live what you say that you That you want other people to live.
I’m just saying from my perspective and I see that you’re doing really well. You’ve really made a system for yourself. You talk a lot about systems, which if you’re in the program, you can get, the. More in depth um, training but you, I see the systems you put in place and they work really well for you and it’s working.
Hey, before we continue the episode, I want to ask you something. Are you ready to get answers from God directly? Feel more in love with your husband and more supported than ever? Run the business of your dreams without having to sacrifice any other part of your life? That is exactly what my one on one private coaching is for and I want to invite you, just you and me, for a free deep dive discovery call.
This is a 60 minute free call where I ask you lots of questions and we extract the three main things that are holding you back. I then put together a personalized plan for you where I create a roadmap of recommendations with practical steps. The call is free and so valuable in itself, so go book yours today.
Now back to the show.
And I appreciate that. I really appreciate that. I love it that you’re able to recognize. I think that that’s part of the authenticity. Of the last 10 years is really being squeaky clean about what I want done to me, doing to others and being able to show up the way I really am, you know, like I was thinking maybe we should cancel today because it’s already like, you know, a sick baby, no fun, whatever, but.
She almost fell asleep. So why not? we were this close to having a quiet podcast without a baby interruption. But even with her here, I still feel like people who are listening can get a ton out of the conversation. And, you know, if you’re watching the YouTube video, then you’re also able to see how cute she is.
Yeah. She’s really cute. And she was at our meeting the other day and she was fine. It worked well. We still had a productive meeting. And. I’ve also learned a lot from you going with the flow. Just as a mother, maybe I can chill out a little bit and also just this is life, this is life and being a mother is extremely important.
These are the values. I live by the same values as you. So being a wife, being a mother, taking care of the home, all these things are very important to me. These are my values. Work comes second, but you can do both, you know, and you just have to let go of, of all those preconceived notions of how things are supposed to be and how you have to have quiet and perfection.
And I’m not a perfectionist, but still, You know, of course you want things to go the way you want things to go, but they don’t always go the way you want things to go. And they still work out our meetings still went fine. And our interview is still going great. And. It’s great. It’s still gonna be a good day.
It was an amazing day. Thank God. One time one of my daughters said that she’s sick. I said, actually, you’re you’re healthy. Can you imagine if your body didn’t know how to cleanse itself from a sickness, then you would be sick, you know, but like your body is doing exactly what it needs to do in order to flush things out and you’re drinking water and making sure that you’re taking care of yourself and it’s going to pass because your body is healthy and able to maneuver this sickness, quote unquote, right.
But really when you see it that way, you’re like, Oh, we’re, we’re on track. You know, this is just part of the process. It’s a good perspective. It brings because it’s now and the kids are sick a lot. Yeah, it is. It’s very important because also it changes your perspective from thinking something is wrong to realizing everything is right.
Mm-Hmm. , everything is just right. It’s also why I wasn’t, I didn’t feel resistance today to having her home. Or even this whole week, I felt very at peace when they called me and said, you have to come get your baby. I came and I got her right away and I took care of her and I changed around my schedule and canceled a couple of meetings, but I was so calm and I appreciate that you noticed that because I don’t think I was like this in the past.
I used to be very resentful and like, you’re ruining my day, you know? And I was very much. Trying to control it and like grab it and hold it. And now I just feel really blessed. Like, okay. Yeah. That’s why it’s good to have you as a coach slash boss, because you feed off of other people’s energy. And I feel like when you are giving off that positive energy or that energy of, I’m just going to go with the flow, there’s nothing I can do about it.
This is life like in a positive way. I gain from that too, because. I’m around that so surrounding yourself with the right people also is really good and if you don’t have a good boss you should Get a new job with a better boss. I mean, you deserve a good boss. If you’re not already your own boss, you deserve to have a good boss who cares about you and who is, what’s interesting is that sometimes you can change the dynamic and the boss ends up changing their approach.
So I don’t have a good boss. You don’t necessarily have to change jobs. You might have to just do some changing of the dance. And the other thing is if you are your own boss, sometimes those are the worst bosses because you’re so hard on yourself and you’re expecting so much from yourself and you feel like it’s all or nothing or you have to pay a price for success.
And that’s when it gets really tricky where a lot of the women who come to work with me are the worst boss to themselves. And we have to teach that bossy part of you to be more Kind and less perfectionists and more bring God into it and recognize that it’s all exactly as it needs to be. You know, if the launch didn’t go the way you expected it, don’t beat yourself up.
It’s not your fault. How do we move forward? How do we make it better? Instead of looking, you know, sort of at the past and being negative. So sometimes you think changing the external is going to change your life, but in reality, it might not. You know, I had my coach, Steph Crowder she’s not my coach anymore, but she was for a year and she spoke a lot about breaking her business.
Like she had a good, successful business and then she got so overwhelmed by being her own boss that she left to be someone else’s copywriter. And she worked for a whole year in a different business that was not her own. And eventually it just called her back and was like, nope, nothing is fixed.
Still same problems. I need to get back And really focus. And that move taught her that leaving it is not always. Fix, the fix is really leaning into where you are and figuring out what needs to change in the dynamic, right? And that’s exactly why it’s cool that you only work with women and you see such success and such good results because one person themselves can really turn things around.
Yeah. Yeah. I think that was the first thing. That I wrote on Facebook that I got a ton of comments about saying like, no way that can’t be, you know, I was like, a woman can single handedly change her marriage and everybody attacked me for it. Like I got so many comments, I think like 190 something comments, like no way, yes way, what no blah, blah, blah.
You know my husband doesn’t even want to get help. Well, how am I going to change it? And. It really made it clear to me that I’m saying something new. Like, what? Really? You guys don’t think so? And I had to prove it to myself before I was able to prove it to everyone else. But it really works!
Yeah, it does work. Definitely. That’s really cool. Okay, I think the biggest question that people listening are thinking is, oh, so Aviva is your assistant. She’s going to know everything about me if I sign up to work with you. So I just want to make it really clear. Aviva, do you know everything about my clients?
No, I don’t. I don’t even know all their names. Yeah, Aviva does not have access to who my clients are, or how much they paid, or if they’re on a payment plan, or what the topic we’re talking about is. She basically has only the behind the scenes of all the technicalities and all the things that are happening that have nothing to do with clients.
I kept the client work to myself because I value the privacy and the one on oneness of my program. So when you come to a call, you schedule directly with me. When you put in the payment, the payment goes through on my end. Anything that has to do with your information, the notes, anything is all on my end.
And the WhatsApp support is directly with me. So I feel like that’s one of the biggest gifts I’m really proud of is like, I can say Aviva, you don’t even know, you know, and I don’t discuss it with her. She doesn’t know. And it feels really. Authentic. It feels aligned. That’s what it feels. It feels aligned.
Yeah, I really don’t know about anyone’s personal information. The only thing I do See is when you record a meditation and you tell them that it’s going to be recorded and then I take it and edit it Right and the podcast which is not private and if you want to be a guest on the podcast, you should reach out because that’s My main job and it’s very fun And that’s how I connect with people. But I do what you say a lot of times I do the behind the scenes work that You’re not good at or that you have a hard time with So I fill in that for you and make it easier for you so that you can have more time to focus on what you’re really good at, which is the coaching and the support and the recording new awesome trainings and all that good stuff.
I’m so blessed. I feel so blessed. Like right now in this episode, I’m thinking, I’m feeling blessed that you’re in my life. I’m feeling blessed that I have a baby that I’m nursing as we speak. And, and I also feel blessed that there are listeners that are on the other side that I don’t even know who are taking what we say
and just allowing it to enter their hearts and just sort of fill their days. They could be listening to anything else and they’re choosing to listen to the Connected for Real podcast, which to me is such a blessing and such joy. And so if you are a listener who I don’t know about and have no idea that you exist, send me a high,
give us a little sign of life. It’s very fun to know that you’re out there. Yeah.
Awesome. Okay. A really important announcement that I want to make is that I reached capacity until January 1st. And so the first time you can join to work with me is January 1st, but if you are ready right now and you want to start on something, you can schedule a discovery call and start right away getting access to the meditations, the trainings, the sessions, all the different parts of the program that are not.
Actual sessions and for the first month or so you can get access so if you are feeling called to Change the way that your marriage dynamic is going or the atmosphere in your home Or you feel like you’re not feeling very supported in your business or your career and you want to feel better about that balance That you are holding Or if you feel like you’re not optimizing your time well, and you just want to put in systems and really get your business and your time more aligned, then schedule a call.
You can go check out connected for real. com and. Come and join us. Anything you want to add Aviva? I think that’s pretty much it. I would love to see Bahrain having more clients and continuing to do all the amazing things you already do and helping more people. I would love to see more people come through the program and be able to turn their lives around because it really works.
It really does. I’m excited. I’m excited to, you know, last time we sold out and we had to close doors. And so it just feels really exciting to see how that’s going to turn out, you know, like anytime you do a launch like that, you’re like, I don’t know, how many people are we going to get?
Is anybody going to show up? But what keeps me in line of not feeling overwhelmed by the whole launch thing is knowing that God is handpicking people and he’s preparing every single woman, to the point where she’s, Feeling ready and feeling called and feeling aligned and finding the person that’s right for her.
And then, you know, maybe hearing the podcast and knowing that, ah, this is it. This is something that I really need, or this is something that it really is speaking with me. And the program is called balance for God’s sake. Especially because of that, because we learn how to bring God in and also how to keep that balance for his sake, not so much for ourselves.
Like, yes, it’s nice to feel balanced and have all the parts of you working together. But the higher level of that is that it’s for God, and it’s not just for myself. And that’s selfish thing. Like you’re sitting around thinking, I don’t want to feel pulled in all the different directions anymore. I just want to have alignment.
And You’re lying to yourself that you think it’s for you, but really it’s for God. It’s for God. And it’s the highest thing that you can do is figure out how to create that balance. So I am. Highly recommending you get in touch and find out if balanced for God’s sake is right for you. It is a private coaching program.
So you get one on one and private WhatsApp support and everything is just you and me. So there is no privacy issues with other people listening to your stuff. I think that’s really important. Yeah. So go sign up, go sign up. Thank you so much to Aviva, my personal assistant, for being here and telling us all about how awesome working with me is.
It feels really nice to pause and appreciate and be appreciated. So thank you. Thank you. Everything I said is 100 percent true. Totally. Thank you. And if you are a listener, make sure that you come back every week for amazing episodes with our guests that Aviva is so beautifully editing and making happen.
And don’t forget to be connected for real. I’ll see you next time.
And that’s it! Thank you for listening to the very end. I would love if you can leave a review and subscribe to the podcast. Those are things that tell the algorithm this is a good podcast and make sure to suggest it to others. Wouldn’t it be amazing if more people became more connected for real? And now take a moment and think of someone who might benefit from this episode.
Can you share it with them? I am Robinson Bat chen Grossman from connectedforreal. com. Thank you so much for listening and don’t forget you can be connected for real.
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