36. Season 2 Recap
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Season 2 had a variety of high-level women who shared their gifts, expertise, and talents with our listeners. It was a season filled with wisdom to align marriage, business, and God. Season 3 and 4 are already planned out! Find out what Rebbetzin Bat-Chen has in store.
35. Fertility & Marriage with Adriane Cook

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Adriane is the owner of Empowered Womb, and she is a certified Maternal Support Practitioner (Doula) who specializes in Natural Fertility and is also a certified Fitness Specialist. Adriane is passionate about putting the power back into the hands of the woman from the very beginning of her maternal journey. Your husband can be involved in the charting tool to help with fertility, a stronger connection, and intimacy.
34. Shifting a Heavy Marriage with Lily Aronin

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onin, Holistic Nutritionist and creator of the Ideal Weight Shabbat Blueprint, talks about how marriage can be a huge emotional weight that makes it difficult for women to take care of themselves and their marriage. There is a prize waiting for you if you listen to this episode. Watch out for a discount off Lily’s program.
33. Midlife & Marriage with Brenda Hewlko

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ares her secrets to marriage and beating the midlife crisis. Through her business, she mentors women to find their passion and improve other aspects in their life. Rebbetzin Bat-Chen and Brenda are wise women who have similar values when it comes to marriage. Listen to this episode to learn how investing in yourself, no matter what age you’re in, and focusing your attention on what you want can help you breakthrough in your marriage and life.
31. Heal Your Marriage with Rivka Malka Perlman

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Rivka Malka shares stories and paradigms on healing yourself. Rebbetzin Bat-Chen ties this together by focusing on the wife as the core of marriage, and that it is through knowing what you want that your marriage can breakthrough to a new level. When we think that we cannot do something, it’s important to remember that G-d sends His guidance and gives you the responsibility to give to His world in whatever way you can.
Bonus: Why the Marriage Breakthrough Retreat? With a testimonial by Regina Cox

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Click here to sign up for the Marriage Breakthrough Retreat! It starts on Monday, January 17. In This Episode Are you a God-centered, high achieving married woman in business? Come and join the Marriage Breakthrough Retreat! It’s a FREE 7-day retreat to break through your marriage and take it to the next level. Learn why […]
29. God-Centered Business & Marriage with Deneen TB

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God crafted us all beautifully inside the womb into unique individuals. For over 10 years, Deneen Troupe-Buitrago has been working with Christian business women create God-centered businesses that embraces their uniqueness and glorifies Him at the same time. The masterpiece that is our life that contains our personality, strengths, values, experiences, and skills, are infused by God to help us in our business and marriage. Deneen TB shares what she teaches her clients about aligning with God and responding to His call.
28. Stress Eating & Marriage with Melissa Rohlfs

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Food can be used as a coping mechanism to stuff and buffer our feelings. Holistic life coach, Melissa Rohlfs, helps women break free from pick-me-ups in the pantry or sugar addiction and feel calm and confident in their own skin to love their lives. The way we approach our feelings, especially through food, can affect our marriage, so it’s important to learn from a coaches like Melissa and Rebbetzin Bat-Chen on how we can take a proactivate approach to dealing with our emotions and past trauma.
26. Young Mom & Marriage
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In This Episode Matressence is the process of a woman becoming a mother. Aside from the biological changes, women also experience emotional, social, and economic changes. Bayla Abdurachmanov is a mama on a mission. She helps new moms and moms of young children feel like themselves again after matressence. Learn her MEE Method and see […]
24. Your Soul Work with Prue Blennerhassett
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In This EpisodeIntuitive business strategist and women’s transformation catalyst, Prue Blennerhasset, shares how you can connect with your soul despite the all the noise in the world, and how this can affect your marriage. By leaning into yourself and using the CALM Method by Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman, you can approach your husband and have an […]
23. Being Present at Meal Time with Leslie Urbas
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In This EpisodeLeslie Urbas gives a different perspective on diets and food. The way we look at what we eat can control us and not just affect, but can become a part of every relationship we have, especially your relationship with your kids. Your children pick up eating habits and patterns, so listen to this […]
22. Building God-centered Homes with Daniella Rudoff

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A God-centered home begins with yourself, and it extends to your dating life, marriage, and business. God’s creative design is always working at the right place and time, so always remember to have confidence and put value in what He asks you to do. Daniella Rudoff and Rebbetzin Bat-Chen take you on a journey to build the muscle to make every aspect of your life amazing.
21. Skills for Connection with Miriam Campbell

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Social-Emotional Skills are so important to teach our kids and students, but FIRST, we have to learn them and practice them ourselves. Miriam Campbell is a Speech Therapist and Social Worker who trains therapists and teachers how to integrate social-emotional learning from therapy sessions to classroom lessons.
Hot Topic Bonus: “Too Good” in Marriage
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In This EpisodeWhen you reach a “perfect” marriage, always remember that you can break that ceiling and make it even better. We are trained to focus on what we have and we get guilty for wanting more, but God created lack. He programmed us to want more because it makes us realize His love. The […]
Hot Topic Bonus: Technical & Robotic Marriages
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In this EpisodeThere is no denying that life can get busy and we have to get moving, but this is part of life. Technical and robotic marriages become an issue when the problems are no longer temporary. Rebbetzin Bat-Chen shares what can already be 50% of the work when it comes to transforming your marriage. […]
Hot Topic Bonus: Enough with Enough
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it ideal to just be enough in this world? Rebbetzin Bat-Chen breaks the barriers on being just enough and wants you to be more. Rebbetzin Bat-Chen shares her big aha moment from a retreat last summer, and it’s different from what others think about being enough. We, our marriage and relationships, business, parenting—these are meant to be more than enough.
Hot Topic Bonus: Release & Surrender
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In This EpisodeRelease, Surrender, Let-Go & Let God… Easier said than done, right? When things don’t go our way, it is easy to feel frustrated and annoyed. We sometimes question God, but actually, He is the expert on letting go so we can breakthrough and become better versions of ourselves. This Hot Topic Bonus is […]
20. Mom Life, Wife Life, Whatever Life with Marisa Lonic

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Marisa Lonic helps the most overwhelmed mamas turn their dreams into reality, even when they thought they had no time to make any of it happen. As a former corporate executive who proved that you can balance mom life, wife life, and whatever life, Marisa shares how be more self-aware with practical tips to win beat mom guilt, overwhelm and stress.
19. If I Only Knew Then with Liane Wakabayashi

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God allows us to be on different and unique journeys only to bring us closer to Him. Liane Grunburg Wakabayashi moved to Japan after her Masters in Columbia University to become a writer. She met her husband in Japan and they raised their two children there before making Aliyah. The career-driven 25 year old had no idea that she would be moved by the Chabad houses in Japan, which made her realize what had been missing in her life. In this episode, she shares a glimpse of her memoir, The Wagamama Bride, and reflections on her transformational journey.
18. The Best of Season 1 & What’s In Store for You

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births all around. Just kidding! This episode closes Season 1, and discusses the things Rebbetzin Bat-Chen has in store for you, including the Marriage Breakthrough Retreat, her virtual 7-day retreat for married women in business, which coming up on November 8th, 2021. Don’t forget to sign up at connectedforreal.com/retreat to get your free ticket. Stay tuned for season two too. It is going to be even more epic!
17. Shifting Your Money Mindset & Marriage with Debbie Sassen

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Our thoughts control our feelings and behaviors. Debbie Sassen, a money mindset coach, shares her expertise on dissolving money blocks that hinder more money, success, and growth. Our mindset on money has an effect on our marriage. This collaboration with marriage coach, Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman, can help you deepen your relationship with your husband and become more comfortable talking about money.
16. Navigating Your Way Back To Your Inner Compass During Times of Uncertainty & Marriage with Sheryl Puterman

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how to deal with the stress and trauma, and how we can nourish ourselves emotionally, physically, and spiritually to become better versions of ourselves for our marriages. This episode answers the question How can I navigate my way back to my inner compass? Listen to practical ways on how to find your place of peace and calm, and go back to the heart center.
15. Time Management & Marriage with Helen Abelesz

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In This EpisodeA good life and marriage require time management. Helen Abelesz, a Life Coach, works with women who are overwhelmed and need help prioritizing themselves and everything else in their lives. In this episode, she gives advice and tools to use to make your marriage happier and how to feel calm every day. Highlights00:55 […]
14. Raising a Leader with Rebbetzin Naomi Gez

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shows she is full of life because she believes everyday Hashem gives her is a gift, so she uses it to do good through her polymer clay jewelry business by teaching children science, art, and lifelong values, and shidduchim for couples who want to get married. This feel-good episode between mother and daughter will make you want to pursue the things that fill you up, call your mom, and give her the biggest hug!
13. Role Reversal with Mascha Siekkötter

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In This EpisodeMascha Siekkötter is the host of the Connected for Real for this episode. She attended the Connected for Real Intimacy Masterclass and loved it so much because of the practical advice given by Rebbetzin Bat-Chen. Mascha interviews Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman, about the Connected for Real Intimacy Masterclass, her story and mission as a […]
12. Prioritizing Yourself & Marriage with Franciska

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Putting yourself first improves your happiness and relationships, especially with your husband and family. Whether it’s starting a business or turning passion into profit , Hashem has been preparing you through life’s small and big moments to live your dream life. Follow the advice of Franciska, singer, podcast coach, and CEO, on planning your business to acting with intention so you are on your way to become the ultimate mom/wife-preneur.
11. Birth & Marriage with Ayelet Schwell

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They say that it takes a village to raise a child. What about before the child is born? Ayelet Schwell provides support for women and couples as they embark on their journey through pregnancy, labor, and delivery by processing the experience. A positive and powerful perspective of the experience is important to help your marriage, raise your child, and possibly the birth of your next child. Listen to this interesting conversation between a doula and marriage coach on how your birth affects your marriage in this episode!
10. Money and Marriage with Yael Trusch

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Jewish Latin Princess, Yael Trusch, shares practical advice on how to handle money in your marriage. sharing your money story, going on money dates, to regularly talking about money with respect, you can build a deeper kind of intimacy and connection with your spouse. Hashem put money in the world so we can live better lives doing His will. Are you and your husband ready to step up to His calling?
9. Rejoice When He Doesn’t Care with Svietka Rivilis

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Svietka Rivilis is not your typical interior designer. She focuses on practical and affordable luxury, and coziness. Svietka works with couples to redo their homes and acts as a bridge between the husband and wife—all while having fun! She also shares ways couples can renovate their homes without problems from initiating the renovation to the end of the process.
8. Vitality & Manifesting Your Dreams with Chana Mason
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Chana Mason gives a sneak peak of the Dream, Design, Manifest E-Course through impactful tools to transform your life and marriage. The course led by Chana and her husband, Dave, is based on their book, The Size of Your Dreams, which follows different characters’ journeys that help you learn ways to set and achieve your goals while elevating your self-identity. Everything they teach in the book and the course can be used to improve your marriage.
7. Learning Your Power in Marriage with Leora Mandel

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Women are naturally self-aware and resilient. Any woman has the power to transform her thoughts, feelings, and reactions to different situations, especially when it comes to challenges and frustrations in marriage. Leora Mandel discusses that having a support group of women and a marriage coach can allow a married woman to see aggravations as opportunities.
6. Work-Life Life Balance Myth with Devora Gila Berkowitz

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We are the divine made space. As humans, we seek perfection in everything that we do, especially as wives and mothers. Devora Gila Berkowitz discusses real work-life balance between being divine and human at the same time. The real mission is to reveal divinity into this world through kindness, and it all you need are conscious awareness, compassion and unconditional love, curiosity, creativity, and committed action.
4. Breast Cancer and Marriage with Ghesi Stojanov

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Life can hit you unexpectedly but you’ll realize that God has prepared you for the situation you’re in. Ghesi Stojanov, a transformational coach, is a breast cancer survivor. Through her faith in God, support from family and community, and patience throughout her healing journey, Ghesi was able to accept change and to take control of her situation.
3. Opposites Attract & Duality with Georgina Halabi

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There is a duality in everything. Georgina Halabi and I discuss the contrast between male and female that can affect your marriage, and how to overcome it. This episode provides practical tips you can use to enhance your relationship with your spouse.
1. Surviving to Thriving in Life, Marriage, and Business with Becky Dozeman

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Becky Dozeman, a therapist and life coach from Michigan, USA, and creator of the Thrive Retreat and She Thrives Program, gives practical tips on how to make your God-centered marriage thrive through self-awareness, communication, and resilience.